Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The division

But here in the very beautiful portrait hall of hospital im Burdenko they established electronic organ. It is not worth thinking that this is the tool of the second type. By the way, even in the Vatican, as testifies James [Getshe], the organist of the cathedral SV of Peter, during the service of the Pontiff in The [sikstinskoy] choir is used precisely In the hospital im Burdenko the organ will participate in the special program of musical therapy. When the customary forms of academic music increasingly more undergo the influence of show business, organ skill can allow itself to preach eternal values. Present season the festival has “gold mask” - the 15th according to the calculation. On the happiness, the crisis did not interfere with on this case to the basic - competitive - to program adding still several. Into the special-program “mask Of plus”, besides other, entered the plays of the countries of the CIS and [Baltii]. Opened its theater from Alma Ata “artichoke” by play “Gagarin”.

Those knowing indicate that in Kazakhstan itself “the artichoke” lives modestly, playing in the small basement, according to the sizes resembling the basement of our Of [teatra].doc. Especially “artichoke” became famous, when in hot pursuit of let out documentary play “encounter of Putin with the association “of Komsomol truth”.

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